Restaurant Software Guy Blog

How do I select a delivery service for my restaurant in Boston

Posted by Alex Mackenzie Jr.

May 21, 2014 2:04:00 PM

There are many factors to consider when trying to select a delivery service for your restaurant. You do not want the pain of hiring and managing a delivery driver as an employee but, you do like the idea of growing your sales outside of your brick and mortar location.

Let's face it consumers are really lazy. With smartphones and the new mobile app landscape restaurant customers have hundreds of ways of consuming a meal. The most important thing to consider when your are trying to select a delivery service for your reastaurant is SERVICE!

These people are going to be carrying your food with your brand name and logo attached. You need to trust the delivery service to represent you in a good manner and to provide a great customer experience. Often times the food arrives cold or late, how will your service handle that type of issue.

Do they have the time or the customer service infrastructure to solve this problem. Do they have enough money in the bank to refund that order or come to some arrangement with the customer. Building a reputation is very hard these days and you have to consider that when you select a restaurant delivery service in Boston.

There are so many different services that help get your food to hungry customers. My advice is to read their reviews and phone a friend. Ask a hungry customer how the service treats them and call another restauranteur to ask how they like the service.

I would never commit to a contract or a service level agreement because in our industry it is very difficult to stick to it. Test a few of the services that seem reputable and can the ones that do not work out.


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Restaurant delivery service Boston

Topics: How do I select a restaurant delivery service, delivery service, restaurant

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